Knot/Dreadlock removal is possible dependent on the condition of knot.

Dreadlocks that have been created with proper technique and adequate care can be undone.

Dreadlocks or knots that have a considerable amount of hair breakage cannot be undone. Overly dry hair and improper technique (overcrochetting, interlocking on straight hair) can cause the hair strands to snap. Hard/Dense dreadlocks are a result of hair breakage.

Love Locs has successfully removed dreadlocks/knots formed after neglect, by product from over wearing of hair extensions and post natal depression.


1+ Hr Appointments

Pricing Guide


How do I prepare for my knot removal appointment?

Leading up to the appointment please perform multiple oil treatments within the knot. Use a 1:1 ratio mix of avocado and hemp seed oil. Warm oil penetrates the hair strand deeper. Leave in for up to 8 hours. Then thoroughly shampoo out, multiple shampoos may be needed. Please make sure any residue (oil/conditioner) is removed from the knot as this can lead to hair breakage during the removing process.

What to expect?

The human head will loose 50-100 strands of hair per day. This shedded hair remains in the knot/dreadlock and does not leave the head. It will seem there is a large amount of hair that has been removed from the head. In reality most of this is the shedded hair from the hairs natural shedding cycle. When removed properly minimal damage will be done to the hair attached to the head. Love Locs will do their best to removed knots/dreadlocks with minimal cutting although it is necessary for knots in bad condition.

Weekday $75/hr

Saturday $80/hr

Sunday $85/hr

Time taken to brush out knots is totally dependent on the condition of the knot.

Please send through close up photos to help Love Locs estimate appointment length.

Please keep in mind Love Locs can do their best estimating the condition of the knots through photos.

To determine time taken to undo knots, person to person consultation is needed.

For bigger projects best judgement is made after working on the knot for 30 minutes.

After Hours >6pm

Additional $10/hr

Information to include in your booking

✧ Are you wanting to remove dreadlocks or a knotted mass?

✧ Is there visible hair breakage?

✧ Is the knot dense or squishy?

✧ How did the knot form?

✧ How old is the knot?

This dreadlocks were cut before brushing out.

Knot/Dreadlock removal is possible dependent on the condition of knot.

Dreadlocks that have been created with proper technique and adequate care can be undone.

Dreadlocks or knots that have a considerable amount of hair breakage cannot be undone. Overly dry hair and improper technique (overcrochetting, interlocking on straight hair) can cause the hair strands to snap. Hard/Dense dreadlocks are a result of hair breakage.

Love Locs has successfully removed dreadlocks/knots formed after neglect, by product from over wearing of hair extensions and post natal depression.


1+ Hr Appointments

Pricing Guide


How do I prepare for my knot removal appointment?

Leading up to the appointment please perform multiple oil treatments within the knot. Use a 1:1 ratio mix of avocado and hemp seed oil. Warm oil penetrates the hair strand deeper. Leave in for up to 8 hours. Then thoroughly shampoo out, multiple shampoos may be needed. Please make sure any residue (oil/conditioner) is removed from the knot as this can lead to hair breakage during the removing process.

What to expect?

The human head will loose 50-100 strands of hair per day. This shedded hair remains in the knot/dreadlock and does not leave the head. It will seem there is a large amount of hair that has been removed from the head. In reality most of this is the shedded hair from the hairs natural shedding cycle. When removed properly minimal damage will be done to the hair attached to the head. Love Locs will do their best to removed knots/dreadlocks with minimal cutting although it is necessary for knots in bad condition.

Weekday $75/hr

Saturday $80/hr

Sunday $85/hr

Time taken to brush out knots is totally dependent on the condition of the knot.

Please send through close up photos to help Love Locs estimate appointment length.

Please keep in mind Love Locs can do their best estimating the condition of the knots through photos.

To determine time taken to undo knots, person to person consultation is needed.

For bigger projects best judgement is made after working on the knot for 30 minutes.

After Hours >6pm

Additional $10/hr

Information to include in your booking

✧ Are you wanting to remove dreadlocks or a knotted mass?

✧ Is there visible hair breakage?

✧ Is the knot dense or squishy?

✧ How did the knot form?

✧ How old is the knot?

This dreadlocks were cut before brushing out.